However, he was notified recently that his departure from the office had been noticed by other employees and they expressed concern to their managers. The negative vibe created caused his manager to request that he stay in the office building during business hours.
What would you do in the same situation as his manager?
My response: Avoiding conflict will only reduce the effectiveness of the entire department and further isolate the most talented employees. Instead of eliminating the exceptions to the rule, allow everyone equal opportunity. If other employees are jealous of one working outside of the office, give them the same challenge: “Find a place to work ½ of a day every week that increases your work productivity.” What positive effect might you see in the office?
In public schools, differences in learning styles and performance are recognized and programs like “Gifted and Talented” or “GT” have been created. The programs are designed to promote alternative leaning techniques for those currently being confined by teaching methods geared towards the average student. Taking this mentality into the work place allows for greater personal development and encourages activities that increase efficiency and productivity.
That is my opinion….What is yours?